Wednesday, June 07, 2006

For those of you....

Today, while I was driving in my car, I heard an interesting new development in the world that continues to make excuses for poor behavior.

For those of you who have ever been cut off in traffic and almost immediately began shouting profanities at someone who couldn't even hear you - this is for you.

For those of you who raise your voice and slam on the gas pedal when you are forced to strategically maneuver around someone driving ten miles under the speed limit - this is for you.

Sleep easy tonite knowing that these behaviors are no longer considered merely to be "road rage". They have now been officially labeled and you have been diagnosed.

May your suffering be minimal as you are forced to live with your, and I quote,
"Intermittent Rage Disorder"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you know? This is me! I will sleep easier, for sure.

6:18 AM  

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