So, yeah! Today is my 26th birthday and to be quite honest, it feels like every other one I've ever had. The only difference, in my mind, is the fact that 30 is looming ever-closer on the horizon. Not that 30 is a number to be feared, but I guess that number makes me think of all the things I've yet to do in my life that society implies I should have already done. Who makes these rules? Who sets these cookie cutter goals for everyone? If I've learned anything over the past year it is that everyone is different; everyone has a different path to take in life; and ultimately everyone's fulfillment in life is not held in a 9-to-5 job, a husband and 2.5 children, or a 401K.
True fulfillment lies in finding God's plan for your life and living in that reality. That plan just might involve a husband and children, or it may not. It may involve a 9-to-5 job that allows you to have a nest egg put away for retirement, or it may not. I don't know what anyone else's plan looks like anymore than I know what my own future looks like. However, I do know, and can state with certainty, that my path does not look like anyone else's and my path has been paved already. The trick is, finding the courage and faith to stay on that path even when it bends and curves out of sight ahead of me. So as I celebrate another year, I renew my strength and take the next step on MY path.